Workshop on Electroporation and Biophysical Therapies

Workshop on Electroporation and Biophysical Therapies

December 15th and 16th  2014


The aim of this 2-day workshop is twofold. The first goal is to present the last results in electroporation at the cell scale, from the theoretical, numerical and biological point of view, which have been obtained within the consortium MEMOVE granted by the French National Agency. The second goal is to present the preliminary results obtained towards electroporation tissue modeling and to focus on the medical applications of biophysical therapies (cryotherapy, electrochemotherapy, radiotherapy) in order to let clinicians present the main problem they face when using such therapy, and in order to raise questions, from the modeling point of view, that could be helpful for physicians. Particularly, even though the biology behind each therapy is very different, they face similar problems such as placement of the needles, dose delivery and time of the treatments.

The talks will last 30 min + 15 min for opening questions.

The conference takes place at Inria Bordeaux, Room AdaLovelace. 200 Rue de la Vieille Tour, 33405 Talence.


Monday december 15th :

Electroporation at the cell scale

09h15-09h45  : Welcome and presentation of the workshop (C. Poignard)

09h45-10h30  : M.P Rols How 2D and 3D cell cultures can get access (or not) to the mechanisms of molecules delivery by pulsed electric field?

10h30-10h50  : Coffee

10h50-11h35  : A. Silve Impact of conductivity on effects of microseconds and nanoseconds electric pulses

11h35-12h20  : L. Wegner Basic and applied research on electroporation - what can we learn from patch clamp experiments?

12h30-13h45  : Lunch

13h45-14h30  : M. Leguèbe Modeling lipid alteration during cell electropermeabilization

14h30-15h15  : M. Breton Molecular mechanisms of the interaction of electric pulses with cells and cell models

15h15-15h35  : Coffee

15h35-16h20  : J. Garrec Molecular Modeling of electro-catalysed peroxidation of biological membranes - methodological aspects and mechanistic proposal

16h20-17h05  : D. Dean Physical aspects of electropermeabilisation and molecular transport across membranes

17h05-17h50 : F. Buret Dielectrophoresis - Electrorotation and Electromagnetic characterization of biological cells

17h50-18h30 : Informal discussions on electroporation at the cell scale

19h30: Dinner downtown Bordeaux

Tuesday december 16th :

 Tissue electroporation and biomedical applications of biophysical therapy

09h00-09h45  : L.M. Mir The complexity of the “tissue” (with and without electroporation), and a comparison of electrochemotherapy and irreversible electroporation in cancer treatment

09h45-10h30  : D. Voyer Challenge for the modeling of electropermeabilization at the tissue scale

10h30-10h50  : Coffee

10h50-11h35  : T. Ivorra Electric field modeling in tissues for electroporation based treatments

11h35-12h20  : O. Saut Data assimilation in tumor growth modeling: towards patient calibrated models using imaging devices

12h30-13h45  : Lunch

13h45-14h30  : B. De Sennéville On-line guidance of mini- and non-invasive therapies

14h30-15h15  : F. Cornélis Clinical applications of IRE

15h15-15h35  : Coffee

15h35-16h20  : F. Izzo Electrochemotherapy in advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma

16h20-17h00   : Informal discussion on tissue modeling for medical applications

Confirmed Speakers:

M. Breton (IGR, Villejuif),

F. Buret (Ampère, Lyon),

F. Cornelis (Sloan Hospital NYC and CHU Bordeaux),

D. Dean (U. Bordeaux),

J. Garrec (U. Nancy),

T. Ivorra (U. P. Fabra, Barcelone),

F. Izzo (I. di Napoli, Italy),

M. Leguèbe (Max Planck Institute Gottingen, Germany),

L.M. Mir (IGR, Villejuif), M-P Rols (IPBS, Toulouse),

O. Saut (CNRS, Inria, U. Bordeaux)

B. De Sennéville (U. Bordeaux),

A.Silve (KIT, Germany),

D. Voyer (Ampère, Lyon),

L. Wegner (KIT, Germany).

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